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23042013 01Future architects have successfully responded to their first serious assignment, in the course for architectural analysis. First year students of the Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica showed yesterday that waste can be a resource. They were using waste and recyclables and managed to make sixty interesting and functional chairs.

Unusual chairs, made of wire, plastic, tires, flower pots, water pipes, and many other materials have bein presented on the square in front of Podgorica Mall of Montenegro, where they encountered a large number of interested citizens.

"The chair had to be made from recycled materials and waste, because Architecture Faculty staff wants to work in accordance with the standards of sustainable development and energy efficiency. We wanted to send a message that the waste can actually be a resource, and to send a message that all citizens can observe waste materials in a different way, "explained associate in teaching at the Faculty of Architecture, and the project Ema Alihodžić.

Under the supervision of Professor doc. Dr. Dragana Komatina and assisted by eight asistents in a college, students are looking for inspiration and materials for four days, and then participated in the process of concluding chairs.

So John Kapitanović all four days was needed to conclude its work, but admits that the initial sketches have took more of that time.

"We showed that furniture can be made of other types of materials. I've managed to structure, purse, electrical tape and a poke, "said John, wearing a seat symbolically called" Trinity. "




Her colleague Bojana Raspopovic his "Orijana", inspired by the name of a character from the animated film, made of metal and rope.
"I enjoyed the process of creating and maybe I felt as a hardest process of digestion. However, I gained a new experience, she told with satisfaction.